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Examples of Twitter Done Right … And Wrong!

At a loss with social media? Our experts use actual posts from businesses to illustrate their best tips.

The Expert: Madalyn Sklar

  • Twitter marketing strategist
  • Host of #TwitterSmarter podcast



  1. This is an example of a great tweet because this user is listening to the conversation and adding his two cents.
  2. Tagging everyone involved notifies them and allows for the opportunity to get a reply, a like and possibly even a retweet.
  3. Emojis and GIFs are great ways to grab attention in a tweet.

  1. This tweet was from a live Twitter chat. Rather than replying to the question or simply posting a new tweet to respond, he retweets the original tweet with a comment. This allows us to see and understand the conversation.
  2. He goes a step further and tags the brands he’s talking about. I see so many people missing out on an incredible opportunity by simply not tagging. If you are talking about a person or brand, tag them. Always! It will get you on their radar and give them the opportunity to respond, like and/or retweet.


  1. Sending a tweet that only says, “Thank you for the follow” is boring and impersonal. Take a moment to review their profile or a few recent tweets and add more flair to your thank-you tweet.

  1. If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all. Twitter is an amazing platform to forge relationships that will help you and your business. Don’t blow it by being rude or saying something inappropriate to someone you don’t know.

PRO TIP: Say goodbye to boring “Thank you for the follow” tweets. Here’s a much more appealing alternative: “Thank you for the follow Shannon! I’d love to know more about your work as a wellness coach.” See how this grabs attention? If there’s room, add a fun thank-you image.