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Don’t Fear Changing Commissions - 2019 Promotional Products Sales Compensation Survey

Switching commission structures is hard, but it will pay off for both reps and your business in the long run.

Many distributor owners know they’re paying their sales reps too much and that it’s a big reason their profits are too low. So why not just change your commission structure? In one word: fear. Real or perceived, the fear of losing sales reps to a competitor and/or having to deal with upset salespeople is the number-one reason owners rarely make this change. Low profit is better than no profit or no business, right?

Your commission rates have likely been the same since you started the business, and they seemed like a good formula at the time. But your business has changed and evolved. It’s much larger than it used to be, with more overhead and more benefits available to your sales team – better technology, trade shows to attend, golf with reps’ larger clients, incentive programs, healthcare, 401(K) matching, etc.

These changes are normal, and change is a good thing. Why not adjust your commission structure to reflect those changes?


For most large, independent distributors, the days of hiring a rep on 50/50 commission and hoping they succeed are long gone. High-growth distributors are investing in young sales reps’ careers and spending time and money to develop them, and they’re protecting their bottom-line profits at the same time. For the long-term success of both the distributor and the company, the commission formula must be win-win.

I estimate that the average outside sales rep working for one of the over 125 Facilisgroup distributor members I work with is making 40% of the gross profit, and this percentage has been gradually decreasing over the years as more distributors hire sales reps as employees and provide benefits, training and incentive programs. Many distributors are changing to salary-plus-bonus type structures, as millennials seem to have different needs and goals.

The most common commission formula I see for new sales reps matches the rep’s commission percentage to the gross profit margin on each order. If reps want to make 40% commission, they need to sell an order at 40% margin. This formula really helps drive margin growth, and with a floor of 30% margin to earn commission, it protects the distributor’s bottom-line profit. (The ceiling should be 50%.) Reps can make between 30% and 50% commission based on their ability to get a decent margin – they decide!


How can you change your commission formula and flourish? First, come to grips with the fact that it will be emotional for you and the sales reps. No matter how you spin it, reps’ initial reaction will be that you’re taking money away from them and, understandably, they won’t like it. The key isn’t to take money away from your reps, but to help them make more money.

You’ll have to overcome your fears and push forward knowing this will work and be good for your business.

You need to present a long-term strategy to grow their sales and commissions while also changing the commission formula so your company and the rep can do better. Make it a win-win situation, and you can succeed.

Having a proven new business development plan that reps use regularly to turn high-quality prospects into new clients is a must.

Investing in new marketing material and technology that includes sales CRM tools will show your reps you’re serious about helping them grow their sales and income. How about providing each rep with their own personal websites so they can connect with their clients via live chat and allow clients to order from reps online?

Spend 6-12 months investing in your reps’ success, and make sure they see and acknowledge your investment; then you’re poised to introduce your new commission structure. You’ll have sales growth data from the last year to present to the reps. Discuss this positive history and how you plan to continue this growth. Show sales forecast numbers they’ll believe in.

Explain that growth costs money and you need a commission formula that’ll survive the long run. Have a spreadsheet ready showing the rep’s income based on your reasonable sales forecast and your new commission structure. A three-year forecast should show nice income growth for them.

Again, this will be a difficult conversation and reps won’t be happy. But they’ll get over it and get back to making sales and money within a week or two. When sales reps calm down and weigh the risk of leaving against the benefits of staying, 98% will stay. I’ve witnessed this result many times over the years and all owners will say the process was difficult but absolutely worth it.

Randy Conley is the VP of new business development at Facilisgroup, a technology and consulting firm in the promo products industry.