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The Bright Side: Gildan To Support SC Aquarium’s Student Education Programs

Locally based employees of the Top 40 supplier will also be helping the aquarium with efforts like beach clean-ups and water resilience projects.

The South Carolina Aquarium wants to inspire a love of the natural world and a passion for conservation in students.

Top 40 supplier Gildan (asi/56842) is stepping up to help advance that mission.

The vertically integrated manufacturer of apparel basics plans to donate $20,000 to the Charleston, SC-based aquarium over the next year.


The money will support free educational programs that the aquarium offers students from the region. These are valuable enrichment opportunities for the children, many of whom attend schools that receive special federal Title 1 funding because they’re in high-poverty areas.

The education initiatives cover topics like natural habitats, food chains and adaptations, watersheds, and the geologic history of the earth. Gildan said its donation will directly support hands-on education experiences, interactive programs and workshops that enable students to learn about marine life and ecosystems.

“Environmental awareness is integral to building a sustainable future, and through this collaboration, we are delighted to play our part in equipping the next generation with the knowledge and empathy necessary to become responsible stewards of tomorrow,” said Shannon Preston, Gildan’s vice president of human resources.

While headquartered in Montreal, Gildan has operations in South Carolina. Local employees will also be supporting the aquarium through volunteer activities that will include beach clean-ups and water resilience projects. “We are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate with the aquarium,” Preston said.

Gildan shared that lending a hand to the aquarium is another component of its Next Generation Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) strategy. Part of that focus includes increasing donations so that by 2026 the firm is allocating 1% of its pre-tax earnings toward positive community initiatives.

Other recent efforts have included partnering with McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management in support of its Sustainable Growth Initiative. Over the course of the three-year collaboration, Gildan plans to donate $150,000 CAD to McGill’s newly established Annual Grand Challenge on Sustainability.

Based on estimated 2022 North American promo product revenue of $762.2 million, Gildan ranked fifth on Counselor’s most recent list of the largest suppliers in the industry.

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