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Healthcare Sales Opportunities: Secure Orders Now for National Nurses Week

While many industries have seen reduced promo needs from the pandemic, healthcare isn't one of them. In fact, the Counselor 2020 State of the Industry projected healthcare promo sales to reach $3.24 billion last year, surpassing 2019's totals by over $71 million. Keep the healthcare momentum going by fulfilling orders for National Nurses Week, one of the largest healthcare recognition events out there. Now's the time to say thank you to all of our brave essential workers, and we've got all the info to get you started.

Nurses week

National Nurses Week: What Is It?

National Nurses Week is one of the biggest events in the healthcare industry, and it happens every year from May 6th – May 12th. It ends on the birthday of Florence Nightingale, who is recognized as the founder of modern nursing. This event is meant to honor all of our hardworking nurses and their contributions to healthcare, thanking them for all that they do. Not only a great promotional opportunity for distributors, this event is important for clients like hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes and assisted living centers, all which will be looking for products that celebrate their nursing staff, especially after all of their essential work on the front lines battling the COVID-19 pandemic. That's where The Positive Line can help.

National Nurses Week By the Numbers
Share these statistics on your sales calls to convey the importance and reach of National Nurses Week to your clients.

3.8 million registered nurses (RNs) nationwide, making nursing the largest healthcare profession in the U.S.
200,000 new nursing positions projected to be created each year from 2016-2026
3X more nurses than physicians in the U.S.
15% expected job growth from 2016-2026

Statistics from The American Association of Colleges of Nursing

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